Wings/Apeom Can shooting automat

This Can automat was created as a collaboration between Wings group and Apeom. It's a laser alternative to the typical Western target shooting.
The automat can be used with laser guns from Wings or Apeom. You can choose the design of the front plate and the cans themselves!
By default, this machine has 3 shooting challenges to choose between using the buttons on the front panel and it evaluates your shooting by itself. The cans will fall off after being hit by the laser gun and will stand up on their own according to the shooting task selected.
Overview of shooting challenges:
1) Shoot them all! After the start, all cans will stand up and your task is to shoot them all down as quickly as possible. This is repeated 3 times in a row and at the end your total shooting time is evaluated.
2) Spot and shoot! After the start, only one can will stand up and light up and you have to shoot it down as fast as possible. If you shoot the wrong can, the challenge is over. Again, the total shooting time is evaluated.
3) Remember and shoot! When you start this task, all the cans will first present themselves... The display will show a number from 1 to 8 and the cans will successively "present themselves" so that you know which can has which number. Then the countdown will start and the display will always show the number of the can you need to shoot at as quickly as possible. If you hit the wrong one, the challenge is over again. If you manage to shoot at the correct cans, again the total shooting time will be evaluated at the end.
You can see a video of this can machine on our youtube channel: Apeomcz Youtube
Or on Wings group Youtube channel: WingsYoutube
Or on Wings group Youtube channel: WingsYoutube